Tuesday, May 8, 2007

I've Got "The Secret"...

I haven't bought it...and probably won't.

I haven't read it...and I doubt I will.

But, like every other good American and radio talk show host, that won't stop me from having an opinion on it.

We're talking "The Secret" here--the Oprah-approved self-help tome that's become an industry onto itself. It's a book, it's a C-D, it's a floor wax, it's a dessert topping. It's raking in millions.

But, is it a scam?

I've blogged before about "The Secret"--not so much about the content, but rather the phenomenon. I've never doubted the power of Oprah--NEVER doubt the power of Oprah. And, I guess that I shouldn't be amazed that there are so many people out there, desperate for simple answers to all of their problems. That's why people living through hard times manufacture scapegoats. That's why there are shelves full of diet books, telling you that you can lose weight eating nothing but pizza and frozen custard.

I haven't ponied up for "The Secret" but I'm living it vicariously through others who have--the results, suffice to say, are mixed, with the more critical reviews tending to come from those who live outside the gravitational pull of Planet Winfrey.

The latest comes from Slate magazine. I invite you to read it, and to tell me about your own experience with "The Secret".

1 comment:

angela marie said...

When I first heard of "The Secret", I was into the idea of it...because who doesn't like positive thinking, you know? The tv interviews reminded me of any conferences I (or friends went to) where they have you write down your dreams or cut out pictures of 'things' you want to achieve. Same diff, I figured.

Then I heard more about it and the whole disease-is-your-fault, wellness-is-a-sprinkling-of-fairy-dust away was more than I could take.

So go for it people, but I saw plenty of The Secret-like patients who died because of cancer and plenty of CrabAsses who didn't.
I don't believe it.

So I guess I'm never going to get a great kitchen floor, sinuses or desk either. ;)