Tuesday, May 15, 2007

This, Too, Shall Pass. Like A Kidney Stone.

I get the feeling that if Brett Favre told reporters he liked the green grass at Lambeau Field, Packers G.M. Ted Thompson would have it ripped out and replaced with blue Astro-Turf.

So it goes in Green Bay these days as Favre vents about the team's inability to land wide receiver Randy Moss. Packers nation is once again forced to ponder life without Number 4, while wondering as well if the face of the franchise will ever be able to play nice with it's general manager.

Favre is in full retreat after apparently making a trade demand right as New England swooped in and swiped Moss from the Oakland Raiders. He may be saying all the right things now that it hit the papers, but is there any doubt he actually said it?

Thompson never denied it in his limp-wristed Mother's Day response on Packers.com, saying only that he and Favre share the same goal: 2007 success.

A couple of things strike me about all this:

1) Would Randy Moss honestly turn the Packers from an 8-8 team into Super Bowl contenders?
Sure, he as skills that could make the Green Bay offense more dangerous, but there are still
gaping holes on this team that make me wonder if it could win the division, much less the

2) Did we all suddenly get amnesia as to what a horses' hand-down Moss can be? Do Packers
fans REALLY want this potential cancer in a locker room full of young impressionables?

3) Moss used to torment the Packers as a member of the Minnesota Vikings. Is anyone struck
by the fact that he's doing the same now, in this tumultuous offseason, without even putting
on pads?

4) Do the ongoing retooling of the Packers and Favre's sunset years have to be mutually
exclusive? Can't Thompson tweak his roster without operating contrary to Favre? Is
Favre out of line for asking for a veteran wideout or some other sort of free agent

5) Isn't it time for both of these guys to man-up and go in front of a microphone to explain
this Mother's Day Mess, instead of hiding behind sugar-coated news releases and
secretaries that are paid to say, "No, I'm sorry, he's not in. May I take a message?"
Favre has a history of going away after bad games, or giving his best stuff to the national
media. Thompson's rapport with Packers Nation is, what shall we say, tepid at best, with
all the warmth that comes when a taxpayer sits down with the IRS dude for an audit.
This is a team full of citizen owners who deserve more accountability.

6) The timing of this is VERY suspect--it's keeping me from devoting 100% of my attention
to things that really count: the Brewers, "Dancing With The Stars" and the final week or so
of "American Idol".

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