Monday, May 21, 2007

One Is Done

"You read so SLOWLY. It sounded like you tried to enunciate EVERY WORD."

"Don't you know how to say 'plethora'?"

"I don’t expect to be surprised by audio of torture on my morning wake up show. "

So much for my Newsradio 620 WTMJ honeymoon phase.

The first one is done, and the fans are speaking. Many of you were very kind in assessing my first AM morning--for that, I thank you. And, a few were willing to give me constructive criticism as I try to refine my newfound craft. Thanks as well, for that.

Some could sense that I wasn't entirely comfortable--hence the comments about my news cadence. One early riser didn't care for my "Sopranos" summary, especially the part where I played the audio of Tony kicking in a rival's teeth--twice.

Live and learn.

My pants stayed dry but my pits were soaked by the time 4:59 rolled around, and hearing the top-of-the-hour-sounder put the adrenal glands into Point Beach Nuclear Power Plant overdrive. It's pretty intimidating to be looking across the studio at John Jagler--a quintessential pro, a great newsman, and an incredible local personality. Toss in Green Bay Packers voice Wayne Larrivee and you're talking a genuine pinch-me-and-say-I'm-really-doing-this-with-these-guys moment.

And, for all of the years I sat back in the radio newsroom with the likes of Frank Richardson, Ron Irwin, Kevin Fischer, Mark Reardon, Bob Reddin, Cheri Preston and others as they prepped their WTMJ shows as I did the same for 'KTI, I never actually had to go over to their side of the hallway and execute. That happened today, and it was a real education. I hope my tentative approach didn't detract from the performance.

We've all been through the rigors of the new job--different office, new computer systems, a group of strangers who suddenly are your co-workers. I'm fortunate in that I'm still in the same building, working with friends, for the same generous company that keeps giving me chances to grow. My duties may be new, but I'm surrounded by friendlies in a building I've been able to call home for almost 25 years.

I ask for your patience as I learn the proverbial ropes. It's a big tent, this Newsradio 620 WTMJ, inviting many folks to sample it's wares each morning. Some come for news, others for sports, weather, or business. And then, there are those who want a little personality tossed in.

Once I learn what happens when, and what all these new buttons mean, and when it's safe for me to leave the studio to go to the bathroom, I'll be a much better co-worker for John, Wayne and the rest of the Wisconsin's Morning News crew.

I'll also try dabbing on a little extra deodorant until the butterflies flutter away. That should be, oh, spring of 2008.


Unknown said...


I hope you don't take the criticism too seriously. If I wanted the same old news, I'd listen to WBBM. I was looking for something diffrent, and that's what I found @ WTMJ. You, John and Wayne are a "spraying milk through the nose" moment waiting to happen. That's what'll make the drive to work worth the hour that it takes...for me at least.

And now, please carry on! And make sure you pick the teeth out of your cuffs later...

Anonymous said...

I think you did a great job! Don't take the few negetives too seriously.You are a pro and soon you'll be as comfortable as you were at KTI.

angela marie said...

You can do it, big guy.

Ms George said...

miss you