Sunday, May 27, 2007

Guaranteed To Get A Reaction: GUARANTEED

I dare you.

I double-dog dare you.

Read this column by Lee Iococca and NOT have a reaction.

If you're GOP born and raised with a George Bush growth chart taped to your pantry door, I guarantee your head will explode about half-way through.

There's something in here that I think EVERYONE can agree with, or argue about.

I don't offer this as a reflection of my personal leanings. Instead, I wave it in front of you to get you to do something that is sorely lacking these days: think, and talk. Rationally. Without political slant or bias. No liberal. No conservative. No imitations of your favorite talk show host. No yelling, like Rosie. No parroting what she heard at her folks' dinner table, like Elisabeth.

Use your own head. Your own sense of right and wrong.

Think...then talk.

Remember the war dead this Memorial Day, from wars long ended and the one that continues today. And, remember that being a patriot means more than making sure your flag is properly displayed.

It means plugging in, listening, talking, and reasoning with those who don't share the same view.

It's time for all of us to step away from the echo chambers we love to stick our heads into--listening to what we want to hear, what makes us comfortable, what doesn't challenge our beliefs. Stop thinking that someone who doesn't share your thought patterns is somehow less concerned, less informed. Less American.

We're already getting earfuls from those who want to be President in 2008. Let's make 'em work for it by challenging them with hard questions, demanding real answers instead of sound bites and, for Christ's sake, stop making our choices based on t-v spots. We're not buying dish soap here, people. And, this just in: POLITICAL ADS DON'T TELL THE TRUTH.

Hang your flag. Watch your race. Grill your brats. It's Memorial Day, and we deserve it.

But, sometime this weekend, read Iacocca's piece, think about what he's saying and chat it up with whoever's around.

Our country deserves it.

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