Sunday, May 20, 2007

We Move On, After This...


Never in my professional and personal life have I seen such an incredible, invigorating, sad, week. A new challenge awaits tomorrow morning, albeit minus a pair of valued co-workers.

My daughter is home, recovering after extensive oral surgery that left her mouth and hip sore, her pride a little bruised. She's on our couch again...a happier, healthier young lady who taught me many a lesson about grace when dealing with adversity.

One of the biggest ones: change often comes with pain, and almost always with a bit of uncertainty.

I'm nervous as hell heading into my new job tomorrow morning--I've been in radio since my junior year in high school (1973) and reading news since the Nixon administration. Still, the butterflies in my stomach will be the size of condors at 4:59:59 tomorrow morning when the Newsradio 620 WTMJ top of the hour sounder fires and it's show time.

Thanks to everyone--and I do mean everyone--who's written, called or commented on what's happened in the past seven days. I tried to get back to as many of you as I could, but I might've missed a couple of comments and I sincerely apologize if you didn't hear back. Between the professional turmoil and the personal upheaval, I hope you'll cut me just a little slack.

I've tried to read as much as I could about this, too--chats, blogs, links, newspaper columns. So many people with so many different takes, and more than a few conspiracy theories. There are plenty of hurt feelings, too, and it's all understandable.

This blog is a two-way street--I love the comments, good or bad. I'm flattered that so many of you came here looking for answers in recent days, and I hope you found what you were looking for. All I can give you is my honest take. I have no reason to sanitize or varnish.

Many have asked questions I can't really answer--I didn't pull any of last week's triggers, didn't put anyone into any new position, didn't show anyone out any door. I've been asked to do a job, one that I admittedly love, and I can't wait to take my hacks.

As for those answers, I refer you to my former boss, WKTI Program Director Bob Walker. He's been trying to stay out in front on all of this since the day it went down, and I commend him for facing the heat. His blog gives a concise explanation of what happened on the FM side of the building. I ask that you read it, and, if you have any more questions, be sure to contact Bob. I bet you get an answer.

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