Tuesday, April 3, 2007

What's Wrong With A Little Kiss Between "Friends"?

Admitting you have a problem--isn't that one of the 12 steps?

I'm addicted to one of the seemiest, most tawdry shows on television--FX's "Dirt", starring former "Friend" Courtney Cox. Seeing her play against type drew me to the show: Cox plays a kick-ass tabloid editor who says naughty words, plays with plastic, battery-operated toys and, in the season finale, KISSES JENNIFER ANISTON. I post the video here, as a public service.

Okay, it wasn't all that--Cox downplayed the scene in pre-show interviews, which I think was a huge tactical mistake.

I can't earnestly suggest you make "Dirt" a part of your life, certainly not the way I've pushed our radio crowd toward another FX offering, Denis Leary's "Rescue Me" which returns in June. "Dirt" is packed with pretty people doing tawdry, sometimes hard-to-watch things but it does have one of the tube's most compelling characters in paperazzi Don Konkey--a photog battling demons 24/7. The portrayal is gripping, and impossible to ignore. Actor Ian Hart deserves serious Emmy consideration.

I pestered people here at work about "Dirt" to the point of distraction--mostly because I couldn't believe what I was seeing and wanted to confirm it through other eyes. I found few takers, and finally became the subject of an on-air intervention, the message of which boiled down to: "Enough with the 'Dirt' already. You're watching. We aren't. Deal."

We'll find out if there are enough like-thinkers to bring "Dirt" back next year. If not, we have our memories, and select YouTube clips like the one above, to keep us warm.


angela marie said...

You men.


Anonymous said...

I'm am as drawn to Nip/Tuck as you are to Dirt. I am almost afraid to tell people I watch it. I sure as heck wouldn't want my mom to watch it (I'm in my 40's). But it pulls me in.

I can relate to your wanting other people to see it to "confirm it through" their eyes. That is how I hooked two co-workers into watching. I can't wait for the next season. The characters are riviting, the situations far out. But wow, it keeps me wanting more. And besides, Christian Troy (played by Julian McMahon) is HOT!

At least with FX you won't have to wait too long for the next season of Dirt. And soon I will have my Nip/Tuck fix. A guilty pleasure.