He cheered every base hit as if it had driven in the winning run in Game Seven of the World Series.
The Cub fan, and his buddy, sat one section over from mine in the club boxes at Miller Park Saturday afternoon. He wasn't being profane, but he wanted EVERYONE to see that he was reveling in his Cub-dom, miles from the Friendly Confines. He was guilty only of being excited, and very, very much at home. He, like every other Cub fan this weekend, acted as if as if MY ballpark were HIS.
And, many of them were doing it from some of the best seats in the house.
It happens at Lambeau, too, and it royally cheeses me off. It's obvious that Brewers and Packers season ticket holders are selling their seats to the enemy, no doubt at a handsome profit. There are Brewers season ticket holders who buy Cubs dates with absolutely NO intention of using them--instead, they flip 'em on E-Bay for obscene prices, which the Chicago jugheads are more than willing to pay. Think how much you can shave off the cost of a Brewers partial season ticket plan if you sell your Milwaukee soul along with the Cubs portion of your slate.
The Cub fan, and his buddy, sat one section over from mine in the club boxes at Miller Park Saturday afternoon. He wasn't being profane, but he wanted EVERYONE to see that he was reveling in his Cub-dom, miles from the Friendly Confines. He was guilty only of being excited, and very, very much at home. He, like every other Cub fan this weekend, acted as if as if MY ballpark were HIS.
And, many of them were doing it from some of the best seats in the house.
It happens at Lambeau, too, and it royally cheeses me off. It's obvious that Brewers and Packers season ticket holders are selling their seats to the enemy, no doubt at a handsome profit. There are Brewers season ticket holders who buy Cubs dates with absolutely NO intention of using them--instead, they flip 'em on E-Bay for obscene prices, which the Chicago jugheads are more than willing to pay. Think how much you can shave off the cost of a Brewers partial season ticket plan if you sell your Milwaukee soul along with the Cubs portion of your slate.
That's the only reason why I'm watching the Easter Sunday Brewers game and seeing a lard-assed Cubs fan sitting in the front row of the field boxes between the dugouts--I'd bet my kids that those chairs are occupied by Brewers season ticket holders the rest of the year.
It explains why you see Urlacher jerseys 10 rows up on the 50 yard line in Green Bay, too. Yes, even Packers fans can be bought. Purple and gold, blue and orange: they all pay green, and to some loyal "fans", it's a temptation too good to refuse. Shame, shame.
The Brewers tried to "take back Miller Park" a season ago, with middling results. Face it, folks, Cubs fans are more plentiful and far more motivated than Brewers backers are when it comes to securing ducats. Even though Milwaukee fans bought up a million chairs before the season's first pitch, there seems to be no thwarting the Illinois hoards.
Then again, we don't have to help them by taking their cash.
No honorable Brewers/Packers fan should sell their tickets to the opposition. It's sacrilege. Prostitution. Treason. Aiding the enemy. If Cub fans want to come here, let 'em sit in the nosebleeds after we've gotten our first swipe at seats.
It'd be a good first step toward taking back Miller Park--and keeping Cubs fans from tossing our own home runs back onto the field the way they did Sunday.
Our next mission: making sure we take at least two of three the next time they come to town.
I'm glad they're here spending their money in Milwaukee, but why do they have to be so arrogant and obnoxius? I'm a season ticket holder and I couldn't make the Easter weekend games. I know I could have sold my tickets to Cub fans for big bucks, but I couldn't stand the thought of them sitting in my seats! I donated them to charity instead.
I have been a long time listener of
"Reitman & Mueller".
However, you will be missed. I will now have to change my station to listening to you on 620 am.
I enjoy listening to you everyday, thank you for those wonderful years!
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