Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Worried about "the liberal media" hijacking your news?

Looking for more proof the planet's getting smaller?

Try "the Beeb".

I don't ascribe to the theory that lefties rule the airwaves (we should worry more about financial and focus groups commandeering news content, but that's a blog for another day) but I always enjoy how others report what's going on here in the U.S.

Enter the BBC.

The British Broadcasting Corporation not only has a lot of it's content on the web, it puts it into pod casts so you can listen at your own leisure. I download several of their newscasts before I head in to work each morning--giving me the chance to balance what I watched on the American networks the night before with the British take the next day.

Know what? They aren't that far apart, especially when it comes to Iraq. If anything, the Beeb asks far tougher questions about that nation's involvement than what I've heard over here.

The BBC also reminds you that there's more to the news than Scooter, Britney, and Anna Nicole--did you know there's a whole continent out there called "Africa" where there are countries, people, conflict, and...dare I say it...NEWS?!? I'd always heard about "North" America, but apparently there's another place called "SOUTH" America, too, where things happen. At least, that's what "the Beeb" told me.

You get my drift.

Do yourself a favor and tap in. Listen. Compare. Learn.

Did I mention the best part? IT'S FREE.

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