Wednesday, March 7, 2007

Son Of "O Says It's So"

Who doesn't love a secret--especially when it'll get you what you want?

So it goes with the latest hunk of new-age wisdom: "The Secret" which is rapidly becoming an industry onto itself, aided in no small part by at least two blessings from Oprah Winfrey herself.

We brought "The Secret" up on our radio show a few weeks ago, and those who called in seemed to be less than overwhelmed by the message. Further reading tells me "The Secret" can be boiled down to this: if you picture success, you'll get it...imagine what you want, and it'll come to you.

The initial book is now a DVD set and is about to become a movie. Folks are free to spend their cash as they please, and there seems to be no end to our appetite for simple self-help solutions to our everyday woes. Why work hard, sacrifice, and apply yourself when someone can hand you an answer (for a price) with a bow on it?

I wonder why Oprah's buying into this. She's usually pretty careful with endorsements, and the fact she's done not one but TWO shows about "The Secret" tells me she's buying in. Oprah is the most power woman (maybe person) in America--if she told her faithful to pound nails into their foreheads, you can bet your local hardware store would be hard pressed to handle the surge in hammer sales.

I've already done one blog on Oprah and "The Secret", one that featured an MSNBC link. Feel free to check that one out, as well as this recent story pulled from the pages of "The Wall Street Journal". I suggest reading both, especially if you're thinking of parting with your hard earned cash.

And, here's more from "The L-A Times"{,0,5799148.story?coll=cl-books-util

You can also find some fairly nasty blogs by doing a Google search featuring the words "Oprah" and "The Secret". Gird your loins, Winfrey fans: some of these people are pretty hard on "The O."

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