Tuesday, February 6, 2007

Short Term Memory Loss? What Short Term...What Was The Question?

21st century men aren't supposed to get their news fixes from the Old Media, but dinner doesn't taste right unless Brian Williams or Charlie Gibson aren't staring back at me from across the table (I veered briefly off course last night to see if Katie Couric still sported her naughty Super Bowl 41 hair--and went back to Chas when she didn't. Color me "shallow").

Tonight it'll be Brian Williams and company in my face each time I come up for air from my spaghetti and meatballs, as the NBC Nightly News heads back to New Orleans for a Katrina follow-up. They did a great job summarizing the problems last night http://www.msnbc.msn.com/id/16992558/, but too little is being said/done in the mainstream media to keep Katrina's aftermath on the front burner. A lot of us--including the radio station I work for--couldn't do enough when the Gulf Coast was huge in the news climate, and we all wanted to get a warm fuzzy for helping out when the story was hot. Where are we now that Katrina slid off page one? Congrats to NBC for sticking with it, even though Williams admits they get tons of complaints each time they head back to the Crescent City from viewers who say they're "tired" of it. Be tired of the harping about media bias, folks, and get pissed about those in the press who aren't doing their job in being an advocate for the victims of Katrina. The only shame worse than the lack of Gulf Coast response is the way the news tents moved on when the story grew a little bit of hair.

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