Friday, June 1, 2007

...And This One Needs How Many Batteries??

I can't imagine what it's going to feel like, having a beer with one of my kids for the very first time.

There's that...line. The one that usually doesn't get crossed. The one between parent and child.

Kids separate from us over the years. The pick their own t-v shows, their own music, their own friends.

Mom and Dad suddenly fade in the rear-view mirror of hipness, becoming smaller and more insignificant as the teen years grind on.

Some parents fight this trend, though--it's that whole thing about Mom and Dad trying to be their kids' buddies, instead of their authority figure. They want to share EVERYTHING with their offspring. EVERYTHING.

Welcome to the new Tupperware party.

It's no secret that women are meeting almost every night around the country, not for the usual stitch-and-bitch sessions, but to stock up on intimate apparel, toys, rubs and lotions. A huge industry is cranking out these bashes as women shed the shackles of sexual intimidation.


More and more of these occasions are turning into mother/daughter bonding affairs.

Read more, courtesy of MSNBC:

1 comment:

angela marie said...

I've been to one of these parties, but I didn't bring my mom. Nope. There were mothers/daughters there, but I just couldn't do it. I mean when I was married for two years and became pregnant with my first child, my dad said "Well, I guess I have to assume that you have sex now." heh, heh, heh....