Tuesday, June 12, 2007

We all knew them.

They were the parents who got a little too close.

No, not in a weird, somebody-call-"Dateline" kind of way but rather, the ones who wanted to hang around just a little too much when the kids were having a party.

Teens want their space--we all did as we grew up, started making our own choices, picked what music we wanted to hear, decided what t-v shows were cool. For me, it was in the '70's, with a mom who was truly one of the boys but who also knew when to back off.

And, it was well before the Internet.

Times changed, but the problem lingers. Today's kids have the web and can use the computer to exert their independence. The trouble comes when mom and/or dad want to go with them.

Take Facebook, for instance. Or, MySpace.

These bastions of teen spirit are going grayer, and the rub between parent and child over who's turf these sites are keeps growing.

Check out this story from "The New York Times" which we also discussed today on "Wisconsin's Morning News."

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey, it's been a month since the big announcement and still nothing from Geno. His "family" really wants to know how he is doing. See what you can do :>